Zion Ev. Lutheran Church – Bridgeport, Connecticut

1960 Confirmation Photo

May 22, 1960

Back Row (left to right): Richard L. Rath (Principal/Teacher), ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, Leonard Langlois, Richard Botsford, Rev. William Otten (Pastor)

Center Row: ?, Carl A. Seiser, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?

Front Row: ?, ?, ?, Leonard Gerald Scott, Carol Dorothy Burant, Joseph Soukup, Sandra Thomas

Unidentified: Kenneth Baiardi,  Norman Burr, Helga Engels Wiederhammer, Ruth Herran, Constance Homrighaus, Donald Marks, Geraldine M. Plitt, William Rutkauskas, David Schiller, William R. Schipul, Robert J. Schwartz, Edmund Steinnagel, June E. Stoeppel, Bruce G. Young, Cheryl Zakrzewski

Thanks to Julianne Botsford Staples for identifying Richard Botsford.(July 2022)